Our Team
District 9 Team Member Spotlight

Harry Sherman, Community Superintendent
Before becoming superintendent of District 9 in 2021, Harry Sherman was the principal of the Castle Hill Middle School, a large economically, racially, and linguistically diverse learning community in the Bronx, for over fifteen years. He started his career as an English teacher in Queens before graduating from the New York City Leadership Academy.
As a principal, Superintendent Sherman was successful in creating a student-centered climate that focused on high expectations and responsive support for every child, which resulted in significant increases in student outcomes. A proud Bronx resident, Superintendent Sherman holds a bachelor's degree in English and philosophy from SUNY at Stonybrook, an MBA from St. John’s University, a School Building Leader certificate from Baruch College, and a School District Leadership certificate from the College of St. Rose.
Superintendent Sherman believes deeply in providing opportunities for all students to achieve success at the highest levels. He knows this requires building a shared vision that centers on the needs of students and respects the voices of parents and stakeholders. Superintendent Sherman is committed to improving outcomes for students by addressing the root causes that perpetuate inequities and by providing a high-quality and enriching academic program for every child.
Harry Sherman
NYC Community School District 9
“No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.”
George Chakiris